We are the sum of all people we have ever met; you change the tribe and the tribe changes you.

― Dirk Wittenborn, Fierce People

“Be yourself”, they said.

I still draw borders the way an old friend showed me in the fifth grade. Almost a decade later, I still refuse to change and cling to this simple gesture that reminds me of the first day of school.

I’ve heard people say how life is like a game of chess – how a simple decision can make or break our trajectory. But I believe it’s more than decision-making. Life compares to chess in how there are so many combinations that make up a person’s personality that eventually gives way to their identity.

It often feels hypocritical to emulate strangers’ idiosyncrasies in a world that encourages individuality for its uniqueness. But isn’t change signified by the same when it comes to cultures and traditions? Doesn’t a part of evolution concern the same amalgamation – a moment where the line blurs between differences as one picks up the others’ mannerisms?

I was often told that growing up was a form of exploration, a gradual process of embracing your identity, the path to discovering oneself. However, with each passing day, I become others more than me. I have discovered delicate nooks and crannies of the world instead of myself. On certain days when the monotony is binding, I feel like a pedlar with tokens of strangers and friends I’ve collected over the years. Peculiar words, half-smiles and mannerisms – I have it all and I walk around with it, watching as another person picks it up.

People often tend to document life in photos, immortalising moments they’ll look back on with pride and joy. These tokens are my way of remembering people. I forget faces and sometimes names, but these tiny habits I pick up keep the memories young too. It baffles me just how versatile a person can be. We’re not unique by ourselves, but the combinations of these tokens that we keep safe – they are. And growing up doesn’t feel like a personal journey anymore – it’s more of a communal trek, we learn from each other and grow, sometimes we fall and it’s often someone else who helps us up. We make mistakes so someone else, maybe a stranger never has to.

“Be yourself”, they say. I am not inherently myself. I am they and countless other friends and strangers that have been archived in the back of my mind. But so are they. A collection of walking dreams and habits and quirks. The complexity is stunning and the randomness of it all – humbling.

“The magic of each day lives in the unknown. It’s waking up as one person, and accepting that when night falls, we may be someone else entirely. So, when you ask what my story is, forgive me—-I’m not quite sure yet.”
― J. Raymond

Hello! I’m sorry about the unannounced hiatus – I would say school got busy, but it was more of a writing slump, haha! I’ve been a bit confused about what I want to write about and exploring newer themes. I figured I’d write about identity since it’s been at the forefront of my mind lately. I suppose it’s more of a personal essay compared to what I usually write. However, please feel free to share your take as always!

I hope to get back into writing and look forward to catching up on all that I’ve missed. Hope you’ve all been doing great!

Thoughtfully yours,

Previously on Random Specific Thoughts:

31 responses to “The People Pedlar”

  1. Oh, I’ve heard that “You are the sum of 5 people you surround yourself with” It’s so true!
    But the way your write is so beautiful- it almost made me nostalgic of the people from primary school..I relate to this so much, I, myself don’t understand my true identity and I always try to be different but no matter what I do, we are humans at the end. I complicate these thoughts in my mind so much and it’s lovely to see how you write it down.
    I missed hearing from you! Hope you’ll return very soon!❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Tamara Kulish from https://tamarakulish.com/ Avatar
    Tamara Kulish from https://tamarakulish.com/

    What are some things you would like to do or try, that you have held back from doing, for fear of others reactions or fear that you might not succeed at it?

    Maybe it is time to give yourself permission to explore the very things you admire in others!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. What a insightful and profound post. Thanks for sharing

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Great post with wonderful insight D! Good to see you back💕❤️💕

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I am many years your senior and yet I learn so much from you. A beautiful gift! Thank you, Deepthy. 🙏🏻💗

    “I have discovered delicate nooks and crannies of the world instead of myself.” ~ Oh, so relatable. It does take time, a lifetime, to discover ourselves. ✨

    Liked by 1 person

  6. What a sweet and thoughtful post that touches on so many aspects of daily life and how what we know plays into who we are. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Aww D! So lovely to read a post from you again 🥹❤️ Perhaps this writing slump you mentioned has enveloped multiple bloggers, because I’ve been in one, as well! Blogging was always in my mind, even when I wasn’t writing. To say I enjoyed sharing a day in the life post today would be an understatement. I’m *so* glad to have posted again!
    Identify is a topic I’ve come back around to myself. I think about how I’m a beautiful combination and blend of who I’ve known and what I’ve liked. Some of the qualities are unlikeable ones, and others remind me of my favorite people, and I don’t mind that it’s part of who I am. While it’s tempting to think of identity in terms of arriving, I think who we are is constantly changing. If I could pin anything down about myself, it would be my general approach to life and the values I hold in my heart. The rest? It changes with the day. There are times I should very much like to customize my person as a character in a game, but the rigidity that exists in a profile does not allow for the unique circumstances I find myself in. So as I get older, I’m learning that who I am and who I’d like to be is constantly moving and flowing like water. Just think of how wonderful a waterfall is compared to a cup of water! It’s alive and active. Yes, there’s consistency to a cup of water untouched by the elements, but where is the intrigue? Where is the excitement?

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Me too, Niv! Can’t say I agree with it but I do think the idea suggests an interesting outcome, haha!
    Aw thanks so much! I’m glad you found it nostalgic. Absolutely – so well said, Niv! Identity is such a confusing idea because it’s so rooted in our perception and yet we feel so undecided about the whole thing. Much appreciated, Niv! I’m thrilled to hear that.

    Aw thanks! I hope so too! ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  9. That’s a lovely question, Tamara! I don’t quite know, really – I sometimes give up certain subjects because I’m afraid I won’t understand them, haha!
    Aw thanks so much, Tamara! That’s rather encouraging! 🥹❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Thank you, Sadje! My pleasure! ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Cindy! It’s so nice to hear from you! Thanks so much! 🤗❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  12. I’m thoroughly humbled to hear that. I’m grateful I have artists such as yourself to look up to! ❤️
    My pleasure! Glad you found it relatable! Growing up is such a curious experience 😂

    Thank you so much for taking the time to read and share your thoughts! 🤗🫶

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Thank you, Layla – so pleased to hear you found it so! 🤗❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Maggie!! It’s so good to hear from you!🥹🫶
    Aw I’m so sorry to hear that – it was so annoying to want to write but simply not be able to. Haha, absolutely! Ooh that sounds fun – can’t wait to check it out!
    That’s an insightful take, Maggie. I especially love the idea of arriving at a destination that’s never constant.
    “….but the rigidity that exists in a profile does not allow for the unique circumstances I find myself in.” SO well said, Maggie 🥹❤️ I suppose you could say a lot of the intrigue lies in the unpredictability of the outcomes, as opposed to its lack in consistency but that’s just a thought 😂
    Thank you so much for taking the time to read and share your thoughts! ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  15. It is a treat to read you and a gift to connect with you via ideas and words. 🥰 🙏🏻 I am still growing up. It is a curious experience, yes. 😁


  16. 🥹💖
    Yeah, that can be frustrating. It does make it all the more exciting when I can write!!
    Thank you! ❤️ It’s always exciting to me when fun things happen in life that I wasn’t anticipating, but it’s also challenging to not know what’s gonna happen. 😂
    You’re very welcome! I heartily enjoyed your post.


  17. Tamara Kulish from https://tamarakulish.com/ Avatar
    Tamara Kulish from https://tamarakulish.com/

    Lol, well, the nice thing about adult learning vs. when back in school is we get to take as long as we want to learn something, and we don’t have to worry about being the best or even good at it at first, as long as we enjoy it! I love trying new things, even if I’m not very good at it, I have faith that if I stick with it I’ll get better. My attitude is: “what have I got to lose?”

    Liked by 1 person

  18. Always D💕❤️💕


  19. Magnificent thoughts, eloquently expressed. Definitely thought provoking but also challenging to look within to our own forms of expression and interests. But we certainly learn from each other, “no man is an island “

    Liked by 1 person

  20. i completely agree with you on the fact that we tend to pick up habits from the people around us, the way you expressed it was both accurate and poetic, a relatable read !

    Liked by 1 person

  21. […] Date: 17 Sep 2023Author: Deepthy │ the contemplative elf 0 Comments The People Pedlar […]


  22. Glad to hear that, Maha! I think it’s a beautiful idea – to be a mosaic of countless other people. Aw thank you – I’m humbled you found it so! ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  23. Thanks so much, Morag! I’m thrilled to hear you found it thought-provoking and challenging. I agree – that’s a profound idea indeed!

    Thank you for taking the time to read and share your thoughts! ❤️

    I’m so sorry about the delay in responding, I’m afraid I somehow missed it.

    Liked by 1 person

  24. No worries, I understand. Thank you. And you are welcome. 💜🙋‍♀️

    Liked by 1 person

  25. I absolutely agree. In fact, I look forward to it 😂
    That’s a lovely and inspiring attitude, Tamara – thanks for sharing! ❤️

    So sorry about the delayed response, I’m afraid I somehow missed it.

    Liked by 1 person

  26. Tamara Kulish from https://tamarakulish.com/ Avatar
    Tamara Kulish from https://tamarakulish.com/

    No worries! hope your week is wonderful!

    Liked by 1 person

  27. You too! Have a great weekend!❤️

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  28. Tamara Kulish from https://tamarakulish.com/ Avatar
    Tamara Kulish from https://tamarakulish.com/

    Thanks so much! It was quite wonderful!

    Liked by 1 person

  29. Glad to hear that, Tamara!

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