I know I don’t do these kinds of posts but with all that’s happened and been happening, I thought it’d be fun to write about it! It’s mainly just a sort of update on life since I’ve grown so much from the 15-year-old that started this blog, haha!

Here’s a breakdown of everything I talk about here if you’d like to read about a specific part!

  1. To begin with…
  2. Academically speaking,
  3. During the hiatus,
  4. Coming to monthly wrap-ups,
  5. The path ahead is long.
  6. The fate of this blog …
    1. Previously on Paper Hearts (my book blog):
Photo by Hristo Sahatchiev on Pexels.com

To begin with…

I’m done with school! We don’t have official graduation ceremonies (had a farewell program though – talking about experiences and such) but I’m done with terminal exams and high school in general! High school was definitely an interesting experience. There are things I would do differently if I had to go through it again, but overall, I suppose it’s all part of the ‘growing‘ experience.

On a more exciting note, I’m off to college! I’m still looking at colleges, evaluating my grades and choices and just doing a lot of thinking.

Academically speaking,

This might come as a surprise as most of you know me from just this blog and I don’t talk about my academic interests often. I intend to pursue engineering in college, preferably majoring in Mechanical engineering. As I said, as much as I would love that, my fate depends on what grades colleges find appealing and whether mine fall under that.

Update: Thankfully, colleges did! I have gotten into my second choice of college and will be majoring in Mechanical Engineering!

Photo by Viviana Ceballos on Pexels.com

During the hiatus,

During my hiatus, apart from exam prep, I was also working on building an academic portfolio, one that represented me as a collection of my interests, if that makes sense, haha! So part of that process included branching out, seeking internships, job experience and networking – so I lived inside LinkedIn for a majority of the hiatus.

If any of you would like to connect on LinkedIn, here’s my profile!

It was uncomfortable at first, but then I started enjoying it, not necessarily having fun but looking forward to it all the same. I built my portfolio website on WordPress as I was familiar with it and uploaded academic articles mostly on STEM topics. But I didn’t want it to be very formal, I think?

So I named it…..the contemplative elf. And customised it to look like something a child would do? I’m having a hard time describing what I was thinking at the time, haha! And I’m also maintaining a blog page there where I post life updates and experiences and the like! For now, I’m just sticking to my experience with the few exams I wrote and the companies I worked at.

While I want it to be a professional portfolio, I still want the representation to be…human.

Photo by Ali Naaz on Pexels.com

Knowing me, I figured I’d find it very weird later on in life, so I made my name the website URL since that’s pretty constant. But for now, the contemplative elf is serving its purpose of being a portfolio I can use in applications or as a record of whatever I’m doing on a more academic level.

Here’s the link to my portfolio website, if you’d like to check it out!

I also got rid of my Instagram account and started a new one with the handle @the_contemplative_elf to include both art and science!

Coming to monthly wrap-ups,

June was a pretty long month for me. I basically had exams throughout June, with a few days’ break in between each of them. I returned from my hiatus during June too because I was missing writing. I wrote a couple of poems, random pieces of fiction and short, weird notes. I read basically 0 books and drew absolutely nothing. I got back into art sometime in the middle of July after over 7 months’ break. I did, however, explore tons of new music and got to know new artists and found that I enjoyed indie music quite a bit.

I was also busy with a couple of internships and courses I’d taken up. The courses were all flexible so I could watch them whenever I got time. They were fun while they lasted! I was and am working at a couple student-run organisations as a STEM content writer and while writing articles on science topics can be incredibly time-consuming (because I have no idea about what I’m writing, so I have to learn and then write), I also enjoyed them, the research especially immensely. And getting to work with like-minded teens and make new friends was amazing as well!

July was equally long, haha! But it was so much better than June because I finally got back into both reading and drawing and it felt so good after not having done anything for months. I also did more writing than I had in the past year and I feel like I have a hold over my thoughts, now? It’s tricky to explain. I used to feel absolutely all over the place with my thoughts and what I was speaking but I feel like my thoughts are more or less in sync with what I say now.

I also returned from hiatus at my book blog, Paper Hearts. Unlike the hiatus here, the one there spanned over a year, haha! So it felt good to write about books again and re-evaluate where I wanted to go with it. I’ll be adding those posts at the end of every post here if you guys would like to check those out!

And August was both nerve-wracking and fun at the same time. I’ve been trying to learn how to draw portraits and experimenting with different forms and styles of writing. I’ve been waiting on exam results and looking into colleges, reading more about subjects I’ll hopefully be studying and just growing in general. I’ve also signed up for driving classes so I should hopefully have my driving license in a month or two. I think August has been my best month since March of 2020, haha!

September will be a fun sort of busy month if things go to plan. But even if they don’t, I don’t think I’d mind. I’m still ecstatic over the fact I don’t have to go back to school, again. Don’t get me wrong – I love learning and feel grateful to have access to education but school wasn’t the best experience for me and I’m glad I don’t have to go there every day. There was nothing wrong with the students or teachers or the management – I think maybe, I was too weird for everyone? Anyhow, I’m done and it’s vanished into memory, so it’s all good, haha!

The path ahead is long.

Now that I’m done with everything i.e exams (yay!), I intend to spend the remainder of whatever time I have left until I have to leave for college doing the following things:

  1. Meet new bloggers – blogging in general!
  2. Maybe start a literature-oriented newsletter
  3. Write more. I have several stories that I left halfway through that I’d like to continue.
  4. Take a couple of introductory courses (on subjects that I’ll need in college)
  5. Read more books ( I have a year’s worth of TBR to catch up on haha!)
  6. DRAW
  7. Work on myself (social interactions are still tricky and I’m camera shy and well, they need to be tackled – I can’t go the other way every time I see someone I know!)

The fate of this blog …

As for the future of this blog, I intend to expand my categories. I don’t intend to switch up the content per see, I’ll still be doing creative writing or tags but I’d like to branch out into other writing genres and see where that goes!

I’d also like to get more involved with prompts. I’ve been noticing all these amazing prompts and how they help in learning more about writing as a craft and I’d love to try it out! Also I’ve found that prompts do a very good job of getting me out of writing slumps (thank you summer of stories!).

I also have this idea where I write about people I’ve met in real life – like character sketches, I think? It’s not completely polished out yet, but it’s something I’m excited about! I also wrote something of a trial – The Skeletal House in July. I think I’m going to call it ‘Characters in Hindsight’ most probably.

Well, I guess that’s all about what’s been going on lately!

Let me know how you’ve been doing! I’d love to get to hear about what you’ve been up to and any funny experiences you’ve had!

I’ll go first – there was this one time when I had to send a thank you email to a person for answering my query. I’d addressed her as ‘ma’am’ throughout the entirety of the mail. But what I didn’t realise was that the last ‘Thank you, ma’am!’ had been autocorrected to ‘Thank you, mama!’. Of course, I saw it as soon as I hit send but I didn’t think I could do anything. Until I saw that it was still in the outbox, so I was able to delete it and rewrite and send the corrected version, fortunately! Who knew slow networks could be helpful, haha!

Thoughtfully yours,

Previously on Random Specific Thoughts:

links in this post:

73 responses to “hello! // life update & monthly wrap-up”

  1. Ahh I loved reading this, D!! 😍 It was so fun to catch up with you! I’ve been thinking of writing a post like this myself, to catch my readers up to where I am in the present, I just gotta figure out the perspective first haha.
    I can’t wait to see more of your writinggg! ❤️👏
    And a literature-oriented newsletter?? You’d do such an incredible job with that! 🤩
    Loved this style of post!
    Ooh an embarrassing story of mine recently was I asked a woman if she wanted sauce with her milkshake 🤣👏

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Thank you, D, for the update. You will have a successful life, no doubt, about that. Perhaps, one day NASA might call you…


    Liked by 2 people

  3. Congrats on graduating! I’m sure you have a great future ahead and I’m excited for you to move onto what’s coming next. I hope you get into the school and major you want!

    Your portfolio site looks really cool. I think you did a good job at balancing being professional and still human.

    So glad to see this sort of post from you! It was fun and it felt like we were just two friends having a conversation. Also, it seems like you have a lot of fun stuff planned…I’m especially excited for the literature newsletter that you might do.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Aw thank you so much, Diamond! I hope so too 😹

    Ahh I’m so relieved to hear that! I had an interesting time customising it 🤺😂

    Aw that’s so sweet of you to say and I’m so so happy it felt that way! Ooh me too, I’ve been thinking about it for a while and I’d love to do it.

    Thanks so much for reading! Happy Sunday, Diamond ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  5. My pleasure, Joanna! Aw thank you – that’s so kind of you to say! 💕
    Ahh that would be the most exciting thing ever!! Hope your weekend is going great!


  6. Thanks so much, Maggie! I’m so happy to hear that!

    Ooh, please do!. I’d love to read that!! Yeah, ✨perspective ✨ is important, I sort of just wrote whatever I felt like here 😂
    Aw that’s so lovely you think so! I’m really into the idea but need to look into the time requirements and such 👀😂

    Oh my gosh 😂 Thank you for sharing! I’m sure it brought a smile to many a face!😍

    Thank you so much for reading and commenting, Maggie! Wishing you a fantastic Sunday!❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  7. write about people I’ve met in real life – like character sketches

    I love this idea, Deepthy 😀 ~ I hope you pursue it!

    Also, good luck with college ❤


    Liked by 2 people

  8. Ahh nice to see you back! Glad your exams were good, when do you get your results?? Your portfolio website is so cool! It’s incredible that you’ve contributed and worked for so many organisations and internships! Engineering is such a great choice – it’s not really my thing but I’m glad you like it! ☺️ What made you decide you want to pursue it?

    Liked by 2 people

  9. So happy to hear that! I hope so too – I did write a sort of trial post and it felt really nice!
    Thank you so much!❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Thank you, Zainab! So, apart from school terminals (got their result), I wrote a couple of other exams for college. Didn’t score enough in about 3/5 exams, the remaining two exams’ results should come in September 🤞

    Aw thank you so much! With no school, I’ve had more time to invest in them so it’s been really nice!

    Haha, thank you!! I really like Physics and being creative, so I felt like Engineering really combines innovation and Science 🤷😂 Also, I like learning about machines – so all things considered, Mechanical engineering just felt like the right package!😂❤️

    Thank you for reading, Zainab! I hope you’ve been well?

    Liked by 1 person

  11. A pleasingly positive catch up. Don’t ever lose your child in your journey through life on which I wish you well. What I have been doing can be found on any of my own daily posts, the most relevant being the birth of our great granddaughter a few days ago – helping us keep our inner children.

    Liked by 2 people

  12. Thank you very much! That’s a beautiful piece of advice. I do hope I remain a child at heart. Yes, I did read that post! Congratulations!! I hope Elowen grows up to be a wonderful inspiration to all!
    Hope you’re enjoying the weekend!

    Liked by 1 person

  13. God, I visited all of your other websites and they’re so good. The portfolio website kinda gave me inspiration too, because I’m on the same quest of trying to get internships while handling college, you see mine have already started since August. Paper Hearts felt so aesthetic to look at, and I’m looking forward to posts from there. Besides, OMG, a literature-oriented newsletter!! If you really do think of going ahead with it, I’m so pumped up for those posts! Also good luck with the results that will be coming in September. Lately, I’ve been up to organizing my thoughts and balancing out between studies and internships. I haven’t yet finalized on any, but I’ve applied to a few places and I’m excited and nervous at the same time. I want to get going with trying content writing but I don’t want my grades falling, do I? So I’m still processing my thoughts. And what with your post, some of my nervousness has lessened. Also, girl just tell me your secret on managing all of these internships and various blogs?! I’m trying to get one in control and I get all over the place. How do you do this? Either way, I’m so proud of you. You’ve a bright future on!🤧

    Liked by 3 people

  14. Aw thank you, Devangi 🥺
    Ooh that’s so cool!! How is it so far? What are you majoring in?
    LinkedIn has a ton of internship opportunities, I’m sure you’ll find something you like!
    So happy you liked it! I’ve been a bit slow on there but hopefully Paper Hearts should see some more content soon 😂💕
    Ahh I’m so HAPPY you’re excited for that! I’m still looking into how much time it’ll require but I should hopefully have it up soon!

    Thank you – I’ll need that 🙃😂💕
    That’s great! I hope you get accepted! Haha, definitely not! But most content writing internships don’t have rigorous requirements so you should be able to manage your grades, I think!

    Aw I’m so glad this helped ease your nervousness! It’s going to be fine – don’t worry!❤️
    The secret is that most of those orgs require like one article a month 😂 and ✨scheduled posts✨
    Aw that’s really sweet of you to say! Thanks so much! You too!
    We’ll grow together!😂❤️


  15. College is going good, we’ve already been bombarded with 25 pages assignments in every subject:’) but I’m ahead of the submission dates so yay! I’ve yet to decide my major, cause it is asked for in the third year but my subjects are Literature-Socio-Eco and my major will be either in one or two from these. I have two years to decide that, I suppose!🤷 As to the internships, yeah there are some flexible internships, but it’s taking too much of time and I’m getting impatient. Also, somehow I don’t find any opportunities exciting on LinkedIn though I did create a profile there, so I shifted to Internshalaa and it’s going good. And oh, you’ve chosen the organisations well.😏 Yeahhh, let’s grow together! You’re absolutely doing great, hopefully I’ll get there too in a month or so. Keep going, D!😍🤗

    Liked by 2 people

  16. Good luck to you, Deepthy. There’s a lot on your plate and that’s a great thing. May you always follow your passions and work hard to achieve your life goals. Congratulations and take care! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  17. Good luck for college Deepthy! I know how nerve wracking selection of college can be, so good luck for that too! I loved reading this post!

    Liked by 1 person

  18. What an exciting post, D!! I am truly excited for your newsletter. All your ideas are truly thrilling. So happy for you and wishing you the best!💗

    Liked by 1 person

  19. Congratulations on graduating high school, D! Congrats on your internships too! Engineering is a great major to go into and I wish you the best of luck!

    Liked by 2 people

  20. That was a wonderful read and I must say if I were ever hiring that LinkedIn profile would have sold your skills to me, your portfolio does a great job showing the human aspect and gave me peek into what actually interests you. All the best for your future endeavours, cant wait to see what comes next. cheers 🥂

    Liked by 2 people

  21. Thank you, Riddhi! Ahh it is so very much! Have you decided your major yet?
    I can’t believe we’re going to college, we’re so old 😂
    Thank you so much! Hope you have a great week ahead ❣️

    Liked by 1 person

  22. Aw that’s so kind of you to say, Jan! I hope I can deliver on that, haha! Thanks so much for taking the time to read and comment!❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  23. Thanks so much, Lana! They have been fun since I’m not that familiar with working with other people, so it’s been kind of a✨ learning experience ✨😂
    Ooh so happy you think so! I hope I can keep up, haha!
    Thanks so much for taking the time to read and comment! Wishing you a fantastic week ahead! ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  24. Thank you so much, Terveen! I suppose it’s nice to be busy as long as it isn’t too stressful, haha! Aw that’s so sweet of you to say – I hope I do too. Thank you, again! Have a lovely week ahead!❣️

    Liked by 1 person

  25. 25 pages 😱 My prayers are with you!😂 In all seriousness though, I’m sure you’re doing absolutely great! Well that’s the key to 25 page assignments – be ahead of the submission date 😉
    Ooh those are lovely subjects! I love Literature but I can’t see myself writing exams for it? It seems like a great combo for someone as insighful as yourself – I hope you choose what you love!
    Glad it’s going good with Internshaala! You’re already there 😉❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  26. Haha, thank you so much, Fariha! Can’t believe we’re old enough to have LinkedIn profiles 😂
    Aw I’m so happy to hear that! Thank you very much! Me too!
    Hope you have a great week ahead!❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  27. Yes, I’m happy with my subjects. And I enjoy Literature, like you do Maths and Science, so that’s that!😊

    Liked by 1 person

  28. So happy to hear that! I bet you’re great at them too unlike me 😂 ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  29. I can’t believe you started your blog when you were 15! Bravo to you! You are a talented writer. I am going to take my time reading your updates this evening. I look forward to it! 😊💗

    Liked by 2 people

  30. That, we’ll know after the exams are conducted. Wish me luck!😂

    Liked by 1 person

  31. Many exciting things going on in your life! I am inspired by the many wonderful things you are devoting your attention to. Best wishes on pursuing a degree in Mechanical engineering! You are gifted in many areas.😊

    Liked by 1 person

  32. You’re very welcome!
    Haha yes! That’s good 😂 Sometimes a post’s perspective comes easily to me, other times I have to create it
    I understand! Yes definitely only do it if it doesn’t get in the way of other parts of your life haha
    You’re welcome! Yes it was definitely funny!
    I hope you had an amazing weekend! Thank you! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  33. Reblogged this on the contemplative elf and commented:

    Hi! Just posted a quick life update on Random Specific Thoughts! I talk about everything I’ve been up to after graduating highschool and ideas and plans for the future!

    Liked by 1 person

  34. Sounds like things are going well…

    I’ve been busy with work, so I’m exhausted and overwhelmed. I’ve mostly been keeping up with writing, but I missed a week somewhere in there, and I might need another week or two off to do some broad-strokes outlining of the next several episodes.

    Liked by 2 people

  35. Love to see how you are thriving!! You’ve come SOO far and am going to only go farther!! Good luck on your ‘ventures, D!! ❤️

    Liked by 2 people

  36. Yeah working with other people can be challenging. But then again, so is life! You’ll do great! Have a great week too!

    Liked by 1 person

  37. Absolutely agree! I hope so too 😂❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  38. Aw thank you, Millay! That’s so kind of you to say!❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  39. They sort of are!
    Aw I’m sorry to hear that. Hopefully you get some time to take a break this week.
    I did too! I missed almost two weeks 😂
    Sounds like you have a plan! I’ve been behind on reading blog posts, hopefully I can get around to them soon.
    Thanks so much for taking the time to read and comment!

    Liked by 1 person

  40. Yeah, I did! My first post was about dragons and fairies😂 But I only started blogging frequently at 16.
    Aw thank you so much!❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  41. Yes, there’s time to explore now that there’s no school 😂❣️ Aw that’s so kind, I’m touched you feel inspired! Thank you so much – I’m looking forward to it!🥰

    Liked by 1 person

  42. Thank you! In a story like DLTDGB, with so many little details that have to work together, I have to do a lot of planning ahead to make sure I don’t miss things. Character-Greg just spent the summer of 1997 doing an internship in another state; I planned all of that ahead, it worked out to be eight episodes, but now that that’s over as of this episode, I haven’t planned his upcoming school year. I also realized as I was writing the final episode of that internship that there were some details I forgot to mention, and I had to throw them in, but it felt awkward, like “Oh yeah, a few weeks ago we did this.” I really wasn’t looking forward to writing that part of the story, because it wasn’t a particularly happy time for character-Greg.

    Liked by 2 people

  43. Wishing you many new experiences and every happiness and success as you move ahead with your life! All the best, D! ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  44. Fine subjects to start with. 😂 Your future is bright, wherever it takes you! ✨

    Liked by 1 person

  45. It sounds like you have been busy! Congrats with finishing school and good luck with your search for a college. Interesting, that you have a very artistic side as well as strength in technical disciplines. Quite often, people are leaning towards one or the other. Great update and I agree that tags, memes, etc are a useful way to find inspiration for posts.

    Liked by 2 people

  46. The fun kind of busy 🙌😂 Thanks so much! It’s been going okay so far!
    Ooh, I wouldn’t say strength, more like an interest really 😂
    Yeah, that division is certainly marked in our education system too. But I really enjoy both art and Science, so I’m hoping I can keep at them both.
    So glad you agree! I have to start looking into memes for writing inspiration 👏😂
    Thanks so much for taking the time to read and comment! Hope your week is going great!

    Liked by 1 person

  47. Aw thank you, Cheryl! I appreciate your kind thoughts ❤️ Wishing you a lovely week ahead!

    Liked by 1 person

  48. Sure! Yeah, I can imagine the amount of work that goes into writing the kind of series you’re doing. Ahh I’ve had to do that in essays at times and it’s the weirdest thing ever, haha!
    Thank you for sharing some behind the scenes!

    Liked by 1 person

  49. I am probably going to do Computer Science!
    I know righttt- and the fact that I am going to turn 18 in three months is even scarier
    Hope you have a great month!

    Liked by 1 person

  50. That sounds amazing!! Ahh you’re going to be an adult! Personally 18 doesn’t feel any different but there’s so many documents and getting your ✨ driver’s license✨😂
    Thanks so much, Riddhi! You too!💕

    Liked by 1 person

  51. My pleasure! I know right 😂
    Hope you have a great weekend!❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  52. Congratulations on graduating from high school. Great post, you’ve accomplished so much, that’s absolutely amazing 🌸💕Wishing you well in all your future endeavours D!

    Liked by 1 person

  53. Okay first up, I love the look of your site. You really have an eye for blog design, as well as the attention to detail. And you also have so many projects in the pipeline which sounds interesting. Wishing you all the best with all your goals!

    Liked by 2 people

  54. Aw thank you so much! It went through its share of awkward phases, haha!
    That’s so kind of you to say! I hope they work out okay.
    Thanks so much for taking the time to read and share your thoughts!


  55. Thank you so much, Henrietta! 🥰❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  56. Hooray for you D!
    You are amazing !!!

    Liked by 1 person

  57. Thanks so much! That’s so sweet of you to say! ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  58. It’s all true and welcome💗

    Liked by 1 person

  59. […] now it’s you guys’ turn! I tag D, Sateja, and […]

    Liked by 2 people

  60. Love this life update D!!! So happy for you and thank you for sharing 🤍🤍🤍

    Liked by 2 people

  61. Aw I’m so sorry I’m seeing this so late. College has been crazy 😂 Thank you for taking the time to read and share your thoughts on it! 🤗❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  62. Omg don’t apologize!! I completely get it, thank you for seeing it! Your writings are always a treat to read 🤍🤍

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